Leonardo Da Vinci

Is the Shroud the artistic work of Leonardo Da Vinci

The Shroud of Turin proves the Resurrection

Is the Shroud the artistic work of Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci Is the Shroud the artistic work of Leonardo Da Vinci or caused by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ?
The Shroud of Turin is perhaps the most controversial religious relic in history. It is certainly by far the most studied! Thousands of scientist from all over the world have analysed the Shroud, and a great number of books have also been written on the subject. It has been Carbon Dated as 1260 A.D. to 1390 A.D, and this is discussed in Section xxx.

There is no middle ground! There are only two possibilities:

  1. A mediaeval artist, possibly Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), was the cleverest artist in history, and created the Shroud of Turin.
  2. Jesus Christ (3 B.C – 33 A.D.) left behind Him the first X-ray radiograph ever taken, proving His Crucifixion and Resurrection, to a sceptical 20th and 21st century.

We will examine these two possibilities! Only one of them could possibly be the truth!

As Kenneth More the English actor, made a very profound statement in his famous narration of the wonderful documentary, “The Silent Witness”, about the Shroud of Turin. Kenneth More concluded the documentary, still available, with this question: “Is the Shroud of Turin the work of the cleverest forger the world has ever seen, or the true burial cloth of Jesus Christ. There can be no middle ground.”

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