Jesus fulfilled multiple Old Testament prophecies


Jesus Christ fulfilled multiple Old Testament prophecies, with Dr Richard Kent

The chances of Jesus Christ fulfilling eight prophecies
1. Micah 5: 2 – Jesus was born in Bethlehem, fulfilled Matthew 2; 1,6.
2. Zechariah 9: 9 – The Messiah came riding on a donkey, fulfilled Matthew 21: 1-11.
3. Zechariah 11: 12 – The Messiah was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver, fulfilled in Matthew 26:
15 and Matthew 27: 9.
4. Zechariah 11: 13 – The money was used by the temple authorities to buy a potters field,
fulfilled Matthew 27: 3-8.
5. Zechariah 13: 6 – This describes the wounds in the hands of Jesus in the house of his friends,
fulfilled John 20: 25.
6. Isaiah 53: 7 – He was oppressed and afflicted yet he opened not his mouth, fulfilled Matthew
27: 12-14.
7. Isaiah 53: 9 – And they made his grave with the wicked but with the rich in his death, fulfilled
Matthew 27: 57-60.
8. Psalm 22: 16 – They pierced my hands and my feet, fulfilled John 20: 25.
The Old Testament was translated from Hebrew to Greek about 70 BC.
The above eight prophecies all pre-existed the life of Jesus Christ.
Using the laws of probability, the probability of these eight prophecies happening to one individual is
1: 10 28 .
The estimate of the number of people who have actually lived on this planet is approximately 10 11 .
The chance of one actual person in history fulfilling all eight prophecies is 1: 10 28 divided by 10 11 ,
which equals 1: 10 17 .
This is however, only for eight prophecies!
Jesus Christ fulfilled over 300 prophecies in His Lifetime!
This proves conclusively that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, and that the Bible is Supernatural!

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