At the Resurrection additional radioactive C-14 was created

The Shroud of Turin proves the Resurrection

At the Resurrection additional radioactive C-14 was created

We believe that at the Resurrection additional radioactive C-14 was created by the intense bombardment of radiation and light

  1. We believe that at the Resurrection, the linen of the Shroud was probably bombarded by intense light and subatomic particles moving at the speed of light.
  2. This light and subatomic radiation, probably scorched the linen of the Shroud, accounting for the photo-negative image seen on the Shroud.
  3. At the Resurrection the various chemical structures of which the Shroud is composed may have been decomposed to their constituent elements, during the intense emission of light and radiation.
  4. The Shroud is linen, which is derived from flax. Flax is a plant material containing various elements including Nitrogen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Magnesium.
  5. Chlorophyll is a major constituent of all green plants, and has the chemical formula C55H72O5N4Mg.
  6. Linen therefore contains a considerable amount of the elements Carbon and Nitrogen.
  7. In the atmosphere, Radioactive C-14 atoms are created by the bombardment of Nitrogen atoms by cosmic rays.
  8. Cosmic rays in the atmosphere are subatomic particles moving at speeds approaching the speed of light.
  9. We believe that something very similar occurred at the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  10. We believe that, in the areas of the Shroud where the scorching is seen (accounting for the Image) the various chemical structures were bombarded with light and subatomic particles moving at the speed of light.
  11. We believe that the complex molecules of which the linen is composed were broken down, by the light and radiation, to the basic elements, notably Carbon and Nitrogen.
  12. We believe that this light and radiation fundamentally affected the Nitrogen atoms, and possibly the Carbon atoms, in the Shroud, in the same way as cosmic radiation affects the Nitrogen atoms in the stratosphere.
  13. We believe that an additional quantity of the radioactive isotope C-14 was created at the Resurrection by the radiation of light and energy.
  14. We believe that the additional radioactive C-14 atoms were created in the Shroud by light and subatomic particles, moving at the speed of light, as Jesus Christ entered Eternity.
  15. We believe that Nitrogen, and possibly Carbon atoms, bombarded by radiation and light at the Resurrection, was converted into radioactive C-14.
  16. We believe that the additional radioactive C-14 molecules are still present in the Shroud.
  17. We believe that this additional radioactive C-14 in the Shroud is the explanation for considerable confusion about the interpretation of the correct date of the Shroud, as will be discussed in Section 23

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