Crucifixion Site Diagram

Ron Wyatt discovered the Crucifixion site

Crucifixion Site Diagram In 1979 Ron and his sons dug a shaft down about 20 feet to the actual bedrock under the Calvary Escarpment. They moved tons of debris, which had to be removed with a truck.

The first archaeological evidence they discovered was an altar stone protruding horizontally from the cliff face. Ron believed that this was the remains of a very early Christian altar, suggesting that the early Christians knew that this was a place of significance.

The foundation to a first century building was also uncovered, which Ron believed to be the foundations of an early Christian church, again adding more significance to the site.

Cross Holes After more excavation, Ron uncovered the final evidence that convinced him this was the site of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Ron found four cross-holes cut out of the bedrock, one higher up than the rest on a platform and set further back against the cliff face.

The other three were in a line lower down, and further forward than the first one. The upper cross hole probably held upright post (the Stipes Crucis) for the ‘featured’ criminal. We know from the Biblical account that the two cross holes on either side held the two thieves who were crucified with Jesus Christ. On this occasion, only three of the four cross-holes had been used.

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